Rasp PI 1st Gen mount plate print

Garage Parking Sensor Mount

I had a old 1st Gen Raspberry PI laying around and decided to put it to use for something I needed in the house. My plan was to create a parking distance indicator for the garage so I could know exactly where the optimal distance from the wall I needed to be when parking.

The 1st Gen Raspberry PI was perfect for that, but I needed a way to mount it with out using the holes on the board itself and allow a bit of air around it. Thanks for the PI mount plate by arekm on Thingiverse I could achieve that. The simple design used a press in method of holding the board with 5 contact points. Start from one end and snap it in as you go around. I did have an issue with on of the ends near the USB connectors hitting a soldered pin. This was addressed with a Dremel and a narrow sander tip. The peg in question on the 3D print was sanded down to accommodate the solder and life was good.